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Derek Hagen

drawing of using authenticity as growth is better than using authenticity as an excuse

❝Authenticity isn't about staying who you are; it's about growing into who you're meant to be.❞

My hands shook as I walked to the front of my high school classroom to give a speech. Public speaking terrified me, and I sped through the presentation just to get it over with. College didn’t make it easier. I had to take a speech course and tackle impromptu speaking and conference presentations—things that felt so far outside of “who I was.”

Fast forward 20 years, and speaking is one of my favorite parts of my work. What changed? I didn’t let my discomfort define me. Instead of labeling public speaking as “not authentic to me,” I embraced the opportunity to grow.

This raises an important question: Are we using authenticity as a reason to avoid growth?


There’s no denying it: your past has shaped you. Everything you’ve experienced has influenced your preferences, beliefs, and values. But those preferences represent only the life you’ve lived so far.

drawing of you are a product of your past

Think about it: You’ve likely done things for the first time and discovered you loved them. So what if there are other experiences waiting to become part of your authentic self—but you haven’t tried them yet?

If we cling to a fixed mindset, saying, “That’s not who I am,” we risk using authenticity as a shield. Instead of growing, we hide behind the idea of staying true to ourselves.

drawing of hiding behind authenticity

The Value Compass is designed to help you gain insight into your own values and how they guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be used to explore your personal goals and motivations, as well as to gain a better understanding of others' values and how they may differ from your own.


Authenticity is often defined as living in alignment with your values. But here’s the catch: you don’t know all your values yet.

drawing of authenticity is the intersection of your values in your life

Some values you know deeply. Others are waiting to be discovered. The things you haven’t tried yet could reveal what matters most to you, but only if you’re willing to explore.

Drawing of authenticity being the intersection of your life and your values, including the values, you don't yet know about

Authenticity isn’t about staying the same—it’s about growing into who you’re meant to be. It’s not about doing things because others expect you to (that’s mimetic desire), but it’s also not about avoiding growth out of fear. True authenticity lies in embracing your full potential.

Drawing of who you can become

Your past matters—it’s shaped your tastes, values, and identity. But your past doesn’t have to define your future. Authenticity is not a static state. It’s a process of discovery, risk, and growth.

Take a chance. Try something new. Stretch beyond what feels comfortable. Authenticity isn’t a destination; it’s a journey toward your fullest self.

You get one life; live intentionally.


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Dweck, Carol: Mindset

Wallace, David Foster: This is Water

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Authenticity is what truly connects people, whether in personal relationships or business. In an era where everything feels curated, being real stands out. This is especially true for hospitality, where trust and transparency make a huge difference in guest experiences. That’s why matters so much. Just as authenticity helps build genuine connections, strong SEO ensures hotels attract the right audience by providing honest, engaging content. A well-executed strategy not only increases visibility but also reinforces trust, making sure that potential guests find and choose businesses that align with their values.

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About the Author

Derek Hagen, CFP®, CFA, FBS®, CFT™, CIPM is a Financial Behavior Specialist, Life Planning Consultant, Author, Speaker, and Stick-Figure Illustrator. He simplifies topics about meaningful living, including philosophy, mindfulness, psychology, and money.

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