Money Scripts® are subconscious beliefs we have about money that we learn these we are growing up in our family systems. A Money Script can be anything, but they tend to fall into four categories. Learn what categories your Money Scripts fall into.
Money is the number one source of stress in people's lives, above work, health, and kids. People with money disorders typically have faulty beliefs about money and cannot change their behavior even though they know they should.
The Financial Health Scale measures your financial health and relationship with money.
The Financial Anxiety Scale measures financial anxiety. People with higher levels of financial anxiety have more difficulty managing their personal finances and tend to make financial decisions that are not well aligned with their values or objectives.
The Meaning in Life Questionnaire assesses two dimensions of meaning in life, the presence of and search for meaning. Presence measures how full you feel your life is of meaning. Search measures how engaged and motivated you are in efforts to find meaning in your life.
The Three Dimension Meaning in Life Scale assesses three dimensions of meaning in life: coherence, purpose, and significance. Coherence is the feeling that your life makes sense. Purpose is having direction in life. Significance is the belief that your life has value.
The Value Compass is designed to help you gain insight into your values and how they guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be used to explore your personal motivations, as well as to gain a better understanding of others' values and how they may differ from your own.
This questionnaire is an instrument that taps into ten valued domains of living. It assesses the perceived importance of each of these ten life domains and the degree to which you are living in accordance with this perceived importance.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back (or grow) from stress and adversity. The ability to maintain physical, mental, and emotional well-being in the face of setbacks. Learn more about how resilient you are.
The Death Attitude Profile assesses your attitudes toward death and dying. It's based on the belief that people's attitudes toward death play an important role in their overall psychological well-being and quality of life.
Rather than feeling deprived in life, a grateful person experiences a sense of abundance, acknowledges the contributions of others, appreciates life's simple pleasures, and acknowledges the importance of experiencing and expressing gratitude.
The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire measures your level of mindfulness among five interrelated components. These components are observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonjudgment of inner experiences, and not reactivity to inner experiences.